Rural workers poured into the largest cities in the state for better jobs and a higher standard of living.
As Palestinian workers pour in each morning, the two women are charged with checking their identification and filling out elaborate forms.
For a century, workers poured waste water containing heavy metals from cleaning solvents into the building's drainage system.
Factory owners and workers poured into the streets again Tuesday.
At the lot's edge, workers were pouring a concrete slab.
While the casinos still closed at 4 a.m., the workers poured in, but that business withered when they became 24-hour operations.
Among the women's complaints is that male workers pour water on the seats so women will get wet.
Volunteers, clean-up workers and resources have poured into Lower Manhattan.
After the three o'clock whistle, as workers poured out of the plant, some of them were simply shaking their head with disgust.
Concrete workers have poured the new handicap areas at the top and foot of the amphitheater.