Last year 2,000 workers signed cards supporting the coalition's call for a raise.
About 100 workers have signed on for the two-year-old program, and several have moved back to full time, which is the eventual point.
Some buildings also require the privately hired workers to sign in and out each day.
But what if, upon being hired, the worker had signed an agreement promising not to do so?
The day the back payments were made, Lee demanded the workers sign the checks over to him, which he placed in his personal account.
The panel said that 91 workers had signed union cards at the outset of the drive.
But Harvard's clerical workers signed their first contract in 1988 without a walkout.
Instead of turning over all profits to the government and receiving a salary, the workers sign a contract paying a percentage to the state.
We were amazed that at the 90-day mark of our national campaign, 9,900 workers had signed cards.
But his tool of choice - deep cost-cutting - may be less effective at Mercedes, where the workers just signed a new contract.