This policy was intended to encourage workers to toil and therefore increase production as much as possible.
Many workers, including immigrants, racial minorities, and children, however, often toiled long hours in dangerous conditions for little pay.
All weekend, workers toiled to make the old jail less prisonlike.
Some 150 workers have toiled to build the greenhouses since the fall of 2003.
Ten thousand workers toiled there 24 hours a day building minesweepers.
By night, and underground, do the true workers toil, Caliban thought to himself.
Invisible to all eyes above, workers toil to raise a new skyscraper where the towers fell.
About 375 workers now toil in the mine, including many who had been laid off, moved away, and now return.
Over 4,000 workers toiled in shifts, so the work could be accomplished round-the-clock.
One way or another, companies may need to figure out ways to entice workers to toil later in life.