As far as she can remember, no worker has visited her home since 1982.
During the nearly three years that Millicent lived with her aunt, social workers visited the family 26 times.
Once you've completed an application form, a social worker will visit you and write a report.
The authority has also set up a career counseling office that more than 100 workers had visited by last night.
As the season progresses, males and workers visit many other flowers.
After a year, social workers visited and saw a loving, devoted father struggling to get by.
In one case, a worker visited a family and concluded that all the children were healthy.
Once a week a social worker visited the house across the street; Jenny received her in black.
With such a load workers cannot visit children frequently and have only time for the most perfunctory visits.
Or a worker may visit or phone the company's benefits office for answers.