Equality bargaining is important today because of the aging workforce, increased female workforce participation, and the need for retention of workers.
Despite growths in workforce participation, women's income capacity has changed very little.
Overall workforce participation in the immigrant population was 61.6% in 2010, compared to 71.9% for the population as a whole.
African immigrants had the lowest workforce participation, with 43.9%.
Women's educational attainment, workforce participation, and rights have improved, especially since Chile became a democracy again in 1990.
Increasing a mother's education and workforce participation increases these effects.
Work reform states about the workplace relation and the changes made which are more suitable to management and employee to encourage increased workforce participation.
Historically, Thailand has had both high women's workforce participation and a history of migration.
These two groups tend to have large families, low workforce participation and rely on government handouts.
Her areas of expertise include women and the economy, workforce participation, employment, pay equity, and Social Security.