Despite the vice president's populist proposals for working-class America and Mr. Lieberman's efforts to recast his positions on affirmative action, Mr. Cherry was not swayed.
As a novelist, Russell Banks has deeply mined contemporary working-class America, a world that he knows from firsthand experience.
The second season focused on the death of working-class America through examination of the city ports.
It was filmed in Pittsburgh and profiles working-class America.
The closest parallel may well be the endearing though intolerant Archie Bunker, who became a symbol of working-class America in the 1970's show "All in the Family."
Anyone who had grown up in working-class America already knew all this.
The specter of foreign competition and plant closings hangs over much of working-class America.
Its depiction of a working-class America that is unable to dream of anything beyond enduring is as sincerely sad a commentary on our culture as you'll find on stage.
Among the highly educated and liberal, meanwhile, the lack of contact with rural, working-class America generates all sorts of wild anxieties about what's being plotted in the heartland.
He's specific about what kind of working-class America we have here: scenes take place in trailer homes, bars, motels and laundromats, peopled with cops and priests and timber-company men.