They are middle-class and working-class Americans who have unexpectedly been hurt by the recession.
Along the way, they conducted dozens of random interviews, most with rural middle- and working-class Americans.
These benefits appealed to both middle-class and working-class Americans.
The dropouts who are working-class Americans are often unable to advance without a degree.
But throwing money at the problem, without a specific plan to enhance job skills, is unlikely to raise the income of working-class Americans.
And they want to stop his policies from inflicting any more damage on working-class Americans, the environment, our international standing or a woman's right to choose.
Also, the cuts would go mainly to wealthy people, who are less likely to spend them immediately than middle- or working-class Americans.
The economic advisers, while paying lip service to the need for helping middle- and working-class Americans, seemed more concerned about the rich.
Those likely to show little interest in the game tended to be older, working-class Americans who live in small towns and rural communities.
For working-class and middle-class Americans in the early 20th century, vacation might have meant leaving home, but it did not always mean shedding all cares.