His early work in the 1960s focused on growing up in the dead-end working-class culture of industrial England.
"In the 60's, wearing blue jeans was identifying with the working-class culture," he said.
Inside the question/diatribe was a sense of working-class culture.
It really annoys me, this "you leave behind working-class culture".
Since the 1950s the old solidarities of working-class culture have disappeared.
Middle-class ideals of 'playing the game' have always been alien to rough working-class culture.
This was concerned not only with poverty but with working-class culture more generally.
Consequently, more attention was paid to working-class and popular culture.
Middle 20th century movies set in the Bronx portrayed densely settled, working-class, urban culture.
Ivan Braithwaite continues to be fascinated by what he calls "working-class culture".