He took a conservative, rather workmanlike approach that had certain advantages in bringing the four-movement work into recognizable symphonic shape.
The workmanlike approach she levels at her craft has kept her single and the rest of the world at arm's length.
Aides insist that Mr. Gore's workmanlike approach is vital to forging effective relations with the Russians.
The only positive result of Mr. Jordan's workmanlike approach is a lucidity of vocal delivery.
This workmanlike approach has served the Smithereens well as their overnight success was actually six years of hard day's nights.
But Walker's workmanlike approach and believable delivery give emotional heft to the waltz.
Mark Jackson, meanwhile, has abandoned the workmanlike approach for a flashier but less effective style of play.
He and Bogan had a tough, frank and entirely workmanlike approach to each other's productions.
They had a workmanlike approach to life, one rather like the Romans'.
He took a workmanlike approach to the craft of acting and a man-in-the-street attitude to the study of human behavior.