Without research specifically studying the relationship between women's advancement and workplace policies, it is hard to say exactly what is happening in corporate America.
Some workplaces offer paid sick time as a matter of workplace policy, and in few jurisdictions it is codified into law.
It would also promote drug-free workplace policies in the private sector that include "clear penalties."
This is the reality for working families in the 21st Century, and our workplace policies should reflect it.
Family-work conflict can also be diminished by establishing workplace family-friendly policies.
Widespread adoption of private workplace policies may be motivated by good business sense, the Williams Institute suggests.
He said his company's unusual workplace policies inspire employee loyalty and increase productivity.
A number of scholars, however, have expressed skepticism of new workplace policies designed to make the office more homey.
The huge lack of government funding at the state and federal levels also make these workplace policies unrealistic at this point.
American laws, workplace policies and our attitudes need to change so that men and women at all income levels can balance work and family.