This leaves people searching for specific influences, much as they tend to do in the far more common case of workplace shootings.
Or perhaps there was a sense that workplace shootings with multiple deaths are becoming common.
There have been more than 100 deadly workplace shootings over the last 15 years, according to Handgun Free America, a group based in Washington.
Commentators variously tied the incident to recent spates of workplace shootings, school violence, and hate crimes.
The incident ranks among the 10 deadliest workplace shootings in the United States.
Crash Course Nine people were killed in two workplace shootings.
What was unusual about this workplace shooting was that a woman committed it.
Two more workplace shootings left seven people dead in Honolulu and two in Seattle.
Either the violence would manifest itself in a physical form such as a workplace shooting, or it would be more intellectual.
Not the workplace shootings that made headlines and added the phrase "going postal" to the American vocabulary of violence.