Despite their historical turn, Heidegger's works did not become any easier to understand.
However, around the 1990s, they grew troubled at how popular Austen's works became.
I don't think it was just the change of publisher that did so much for this author, but her works have become more powerful.
Their works had held the stage ever since and had become regarded as a French national institution.
Since 2000, his works have become more abstract and geometric with strong colors.
Two cutlers wheels were added in 1706, and the works had become a forge by 1789.
These works departed from strictly patriotic themes and became more Romantic.
These works, and others like them, are becoming the rule where new orchestral music is concerned.
Although Bard died poor and almost forgotten, his works have since become valuable.
His original works of furniture were becoming more advanced, especially through his wall pieces.