The negative epithet is the result of later works derived from the original novel.
He laid the foundations for a new literary genre, the fairy tale, with his works derived from pre-existing folk tales.
All works derived from this material must credit the U.S. General Services Administration.
Harvey Phillips later estimated some 150 new works derived from that effort.
The program of celebration featured works derived from traditional African dances, and there was also a dance from Happy people are often dancing people.
The program of celebration featured works derived from traditional African dances, and there was also a dance from Trinidad.
As photomechanical printing was still in its infancy, it was common for artists and illustrators to create works derived from photographs.
Starting from that, other works derived from the Don Juan theme fell into place.
The rules allow noncommercial use and distribution of works derived from Microsoft-owned game content, except audio effects and soundtracks.
In the Heike monogatari and many works derived from it, this is focused upon as a particularly tragic episode.