However, this service was never introduced (despite all the works required being carried out) and they were never used for their intended purpose.
Apparently, such artists provided the sort of decor companies thought Balanchine's works required.
There is but one of the sorceress, and she needs must hold her strength for the mighty works required of her.
However there were significant works required for to complete this project.
The works required by the College Board for the 2008 exam were:
They completed the works required by the first notice on 7 September 1983.
There is some uncertainty as to when they completed the works required by the second notice but the precise date is immaterial to the present appeal.
The surveyor specifies the works required, and gives an estimate of their probable cost.
However, this service was never introduced (despite all the works required being carried out).
Are we talking about the nature of the works required to provide water services?