If you know of works set in the pre-Republican era, please expand this section.
If you know of works set in the Middle Republic, please expand this section.
To a greater or lesser degree, Discworld stories stand alone as independent works set in the same fantasy universe.
This section lists fictional works set in the Saturnian system as a whole, including the rings.
She was primarily known for her works of psychological fiction, often set among the English working classes.
Although most characters appear in more than one novel, the works set within this future timeline rarely have the same protagonists twice.
The program, called "Folksteps," consisted of works set to scores drawn from folk music.
Includes three short works set in the Culture universe.
Martin's recent work has moved into the related genre of dark comedy, with many works set in the New Orleans restaurant world.
Creative works set in the Dune universe can be said to fall into five general time periods: