"I really like teaching one-to-one or in a workshop setting where the subject matter is very focused," she said.
In large part, Spratling's success depended on the workshop setting, which was self-governing, and where advancement was based on ability and accomplishment.
"In a workshop setting, things get broken down about prejudice and difference and fear."
For the choreographers, it's a chance to present short pieces in a relaxed workshop setting.
Sometimes training is done in three-day workshop settings and sometimes skills are taught through a course.
Instead of full-scale productions, the company instead presented a series of works-in-development, which allowed the audience a unique opportunity to see artists developing non-linear work in workshop settings.
Sometimes Ms. Dougher lost her edge in a prosaic phrase or a muffled melody, but even in this workshop setting, her ambition pushed her forward.
In addition, while not on the road, Tret teaches guitar and songwriting individually and in workshop settings.
This is typically done in a writers' workshop setting.
Heat guns are used in physics, materials science, chemistry, engineering, and other laboratory and workshop settings.