I don't believe the world will effectively address the climate-energy challenge without America, its president, its government, its industry, its markets and its people all leading the parade.
I would like to high light her there is different interests from neighbor country and Somalia's people I don't know how UK government and the world to address this issue ?
For the most part, the medical world has not addressed the issue.
Inflation was how the Western world addressed its massive sovereign debts when they were last at today's grotesque levels, after both the First and Second World Wars, albeit those debts were incurred for a rather more honorable purpose.
Hope's Edge: The Next Diet for a Small Planet (Tarcher/Penguin 2002), co-written with her mother Frances Moore Lappé, chronicles courageous social movements around the world addressing the root causes of hunger and poverty.
But the world"-here he raised his voice and addressed the group of envoys-"the world has still not found peace.
President George W. Bush said "I want the world to address the root cause of the problem, and the root cause of the problem is Hezbollah."
"China, Japan, Germany, the European Community and even President Bush have said so," Mr. Arafat said in a reference to the Mr. Bush's assertions early in the crisis that the world must eventually address the issue of the Palestinians.
On this day," he said, "we urge the world again to address the question of Palestine by the same criteria that it has applied over the question of Kuwait.