The ducks, who were experts inrealpolitik as seen from the bread end, put it down to a decrease in world tension.
The decline of world political tensions since the end of the cold war has been a factor as well, experts say.
So, when what seemed like a unique opportunity presented itself, he had attempted to make his own single-handed contribution to easing world tensions.
At one of the sessions, in Vienna in 1988, real world tension intruded on the war game.
When world tensions eased, the ranchers expected to share the land with fewer soldiers and tank columns.
At a time when world tensions are easing, that's an astounding victory of narrow-mindedness over good sense.
As world tensions increased, the order for ships was increased from 25 to 37, all to be completed by March 1943.
The idea was to act as a middleman, to ease off world tension by getting all sides to do a little horse-trading.
With war pending, world tensions high, the ability to preserve life on the battlefield could make a difference between victory and defeat.
With world tension easing, the squadron returned home in August 1962.