The invasion of Iraq, which began two years ago this weekend, was a world-changing event.
Prior to that world-changing event, Prussia, the region's biggest power, established a copyright law in 1837.
During his University career he witnessed many world-changing events, especially in 1979.
His eyewitness report of that world-changing event is an important historical document.
Often, these world-changing events resulted from a simple signature or a public address.
Our Earth is but one of many parallel Earths split off from each other by world-changing historical events.
But people rushing to are forgetting a cardinal rule of investing: Making money from world-changing events is tricky at best.
If the Guardian considers that this was a world-changing event then we're in trouble!
I'd go so far as to say it is a world-changing event.
In other words, 9/11's status as a day of world-changing events and mourning began 28 years earlier than most people realize.