"Not only a police department, but also private security that is a world-class standard."
Many of the major stations are being upgraded to world-class standards.
"Our national scores may be going up," he said, "but we are still far behind world-class standards."
Welcome to the 90's, where almost anything goes to bring the work force up to world-class standards.
To have a world-class future standard of living, Americans must build a tax system with strong incentives to shift spending from consumption to investment.
We're developing world-class standards to continually challenge and improve ourselves.
In 1997, he began to wonder if anyone really knew what "world-class standards" meant, and how to translate them to classrooms.
"Educational excellence at world-class standards is now more important than ever."
He said any trial must meet "world-class standards of fairness and be seen as legitimate by both the Iraqi people and the international community."
His goal is "to establish new, world-class architectural standards never before available to the American suburban home buyer."