Currently, there are eight world-class teams competing for the Methuselah Mouse Prize.
Since talent is the scarcest resource and getting more scarce, the key to success is being able to recruit a world-class team.
In the secret facility at Wyvern, a world-class team of big brows had realized her vision.
The 1989 English cricket season saw the re-emergence of Australia as a world-class team after it had struggled for most of the previous 12 years.
First, to build a world-class team and a new stadium with an increased capacity so that more of our fans can enjoy watching the team.
England need everyone to give 100 per cent every time, that is when they are a world-class team.
I am delighted to have this world-class team of experts advising the Commission on this historic undertaking.
If you wanted to put together a world-class team of champion drinkers, I would be able to pick it for you with deadly precision.
Here at Microsoft we've assembled a world-class team.