The chronicle lists more worldly events such a peasant uprisings with unusual sympathy and follows the kings and political events until 1323.
If he showed himself a shrewd and ruthless judge of worldly events and the failings of men, yet never a cruel or derisive word passed his lips.
They are regarded as having the power to affect worldly events in much the same way as humans and animals have the power to do so.
We're at a worldly event and can't do anything about it.
People hurried to link this to a worldly event, namely, the death of the prophet's son, Ibrahim.
Depending on one's point of view, Moscow right now is either no place for such a worldly event or the perfect place.
This mythical, essentia list mentality, which saw worldly events as reflecting more or less perfectly eternal, archetypal realities, was crucial to his thought.
Skeptics have long pointed to a lack of hard evidence that petitions addressed to a supernatural being can actually affect the course of worldly events.
MOD's are also in charge of creating worldly events for game play response for individually plotted characters.
Soon you will be descending to take your place in worldly events.