Sādhanā can be done by individuals for lower aims like obtaining worldly pleasures.
Though married to "96,000 women", Bharata is depicted as one who at once could separate himself from worldly pleasures.
Despite her enormous wealth, Anne's goal was to completely do away with worldly pleasures.
As she died his mother is said to have asked him to find God and avoid being ensnared in transient worldly pleasures.
For a man who condemned worldly pleasures he ate with elegance.
Then you will surely be asked on that Day of all your worldly pleasures.
Let us have a glimpse at your worldly pleasures.
She has given up all worldly pleasures, and is now an ascetic.
Court life was luxurious, though Islamic scholarship did find a place next to worldly pleasures.
But the club, Sanctuary, will still feature worldly pleasures like rock 'n' roll.