It was clear that in a worldly sense the latter was the case.
In the worldly sense his life was all failure.
It did him no good, in a worldly sense.
God knows, I have little enough to give her in a worldly sense.
The word was usually used in this worldly and stereotypical sense, particularly among those who were drawing attention to what they perceived as being the limitations of Paganism.
"Not in any worldly sense," she replied, moving around to the head of the bier.
And all the worldly sense in Fleur, brought to the edge of hard reality, shivered and recoiled.
Such a one has no idea of gain but in this worldly sense.
Both in the artistic and in the worldly sense, the career of Bellini was, on the whole, very prosperous.
Nor do I use the word prosperity in its mere worldly sense.