He also worked as a cinematographer, covering thirty years of worldwide conflicts.
The two colonial powers were heading toward worldwide conflict, the Seven Years' War, or the French and Indian War.
However, this thriving period eventually gave way to worldwide conflict that subsided only with the sealing away of Alchemy.
The story explored sanity and madness in the environment of a 21st-century submarine and predicted worldwide conflicts over oil consumption and production.
That is because such a policy would lead to economic devastation for the developing world, disrupting international trade and enhancing prospects for worldwide conflict.
Yet in identifying the causes of the worldwide conflict between Muslims and non-Muslims, he shows a Western bias.
Fallout is set several decades after a worldwide conflict brought on by global petroleum shortage.
During a holiday in Hawaii, Helm finds himself facing an old enemy who plans to accelerate the Vietnam War into a worldwide conflict.
Mao's establishment of "Red China" meant that Americans saw the struggle against communism as a worldwide conflict.
However, the same organization who deceived Kenshi is secretly working inside the academy, and a worldwide conflict is about to begin.