Flaring constitutes a hazard to human health, and is a contributor to the worldwide anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide.
President Bush's shift last week toward cutting worldwide emissions linked to global warming was greeted with widespread skepticism.
Scientists may have overestimated by about 25 percent in calculating worldwide emissions of a gas that promotes global warming, a study says.
In its proposal, recently submitted to the United Nations, the Administration has set laudable long-term goals for reducing worldwide emissions.
The next step would be the international negotiation of a target for worldwide emissions over a set period, perhaps a decade or two.
To achieve that big a reduction in worldwide emissions, they say, the world's rich countries would have to adopt a $40-a-ton carbon tax or its equivalent.
This report (1991) identified a series of technical options to reduce U.S. and worldwide emissions.
Kyoto is hardly a giant stride forward: a reduction of just 5%, when the scientists are telling us to reduce worldwide emissions by 70%.
Involving more countries in this protocol also means better control of worldwide emissions.
The first step was to withdraw from the agreement reached in Kyoto to begin limiting worldwide emissions of greenhouse gases.