When the worldwide Spanish influenza epidemic swept into eastern Africa in 1918-1919, it struck down thousands with impartiality, native and European alike.
In Boston she worked in a tuberculosis clinic and on a survey of the worldwide influenza epidemic of 1918.
The worldwide influenza epidemic raged through Bombay from September to December 1918, causing hundreds of deaths per day.
They have long warned that a worldwide influenza epidemic like the one that killed 21 million people in 1918 and 1919 could strike again without warning.
Elmer Ellsworth died the next winter at age 26, a victim of the worldwide influenza epidemic, on January 6, 1919.
His parents had died in the worldwide influenza epidemic of 1918-19, and he came to live with his brother in New York City.
The new 75-bed building, high on Stevens Street overlooking the city, was being readied for a December 3 debut in 1918 when the deadly worldwide influenza epidemic struck.
A worldwide influenza epidemic, Dr. Fukuda said, "is inevitable," but "the problem is we do not know when it will come."
When the worldwide influenza epidemic struck late in 1918, Brutus loaded supplies and stores and headed for Alaska as part of a Red Cross relief expedition.
The joy of the end to the war was marred, unfortunately, by a worldwide influenza epidemic.