Its biggest appeal to potential buyers, the experts said, was its size and worldwide renown.
The HC has gained worldwide renown because of the research done by faculty and students.
According to a 2006 documentary on A&E, Philip is a watercolor artist of worldwide renown.
It became a work of worldwide renown, used as a reference book for two centuries.
Gajdusek's success at identifying the source of kuru brought worldwide renown.
During his lifetime two of his works achieved worldwide renown.
Despite its worldwide renown, Edam is still unspoiled and there are some pretty restaurants where you can enjoy lunch before heading back to the city.
He won worldwide renown, and deserved it; but his work was not revolutionary.
He gained worldwide renown and the adulation of Italians.
Data I/O was incorporated in 1969 and quickly rose to worldwide renown as the first commercial device programmer company.