The Economist magazine, writing at the same time, went further, saying "the worldwide rise in house prices is the biggest bubble in history".
Together they offer a heartening and entertaining antidote to the worldwide rise of fundamentalist ideologies (Johnson).
He has made a special study of the worldwide rise of Islamic fundamentalism and the phenomenon of terrorism.
Nevertheless, compared to other peninsula countries, Yemen's oil wealth is modest, though revenues increased in 2006 in line with the worldwide rise in oil prices.
Local tectonics did not play a role in these global events, rather, a worldwide rise and fall of sea level.
The Arenig group was deposited during a sudden worldwide rise in sea level resulting in widespread marine transgression.
These factors, coupled with falling world-food stockpiles all contributed to the worldwide rise in food prices.
Reportedly, he also foretold a worldwide rise in support for left-wing causes.
Moreover, the Commission predicts a worldwide rise in employment in the renewable energy sector, which should be providing several million jobs by 2020.
The liberation of Eastern Europe and a worldwide rise in inflation have forced interest rates to rise virtually everywhere.