As for China, how will officials sustain exports and economic growth in the event of a worldwide slowdown?
And both companies said they would be affected by a worldwide economic slowdown.
The value of the country's oil has fallen 40 percent since last year, and the worldwide economic slowdown could ensure that prices remain low.
"What we believe is happening is a worldwide economic slowdown," he said.
The data showed the domestic consumer had been spending despite a worldwide economic slowdown.
But I think it will be the beneficiary of continued chaos in the credit markets and a worldwide economic slowdown.
International funds were hit by the worldwide economic slowdown and the value of the dollar.
"The worldwide economic slowdown has been more severe and of a longer duration than anticipated."
"The rate hikes also increase the likelihood of a general worldwide economic slowdown in 1990."
The worldwide economic slowdown has hit the company's most important markets especially hard.