They were also a reminder that terrorism is a worldwide threat and that fighting it is not America's problem alone.
"Our adversary for 45 years, the one nation that posed a worldwide threat to freedom and peace, is now seeking to join the community of free nations."
The Montreal Protocol may be a model for addressing another worldwide threat, the greenhouse effect.
As a global organisation, Greenpeace focuses on the most crucial worldwide threats to our planet's biodiversity and environment.
The wing began planning and training to support such a mission to counter worldwide regional threats.
Each day that passes increases Saddam's worldwide threat to democracy.
The current Internet, still decentralized, has become a worldwide threat to authoritarian government, due to the free exchange of ideas it allows.
He wrote a couple of books about his "racial consciousness" from childhood to what passes for adulthood, and about the worldwide "Jewish threat."
Europe is one region, its component powers thinking only regionally in face of a worldwide threat.
Detect and provide early warning of worldwide threats to the Air Force.