In the Cotton rat the adult worms cause local haemorrhages.
After six to eight weeks, though, the worm dies and is absorbed, causing no further problems.
The worm causes a computer or network to crash continually without necessarily doing permanent damage.
In small numbers the worms will probably cause no harm to your fish.
In some people, intestinal worms do not cause any symptoms, or the symptoms may come and go.
However, the anti-santy worm caused problems of its own.
For example, it was widely accepted among local Indians that worms in the teeth caused toothache.
The damage got worse, and on January 25, 2003, the worm cause a global internet slowdown.
Four jet pilots complained that the worms caused poor braking.
His skin is mottled because the worms cause ferocious itching, especially when they become more active at night.