Ahead of him in the worn grass of the ride Mark had halted, staring ahead.
Paved walking paths were added to the north and south sides of the pool to replace worn grass and to prevent further erosion.
Throughout the year, ethnic festivals, enthusiastic soccer players and extended families fight for inches of its worn grass.
An expanse of worn grass, a shabby brown patch in the wide green of the park, would be all that remained.
Barely ten feet by twenty feet, the fenced-in area of worn grass seemed a relatively safe and escape-proof area.
The worn grass is the only thing they have to show for it.
And even as he spoke, he was running across the worn grass toward the trees.
A concert last weekend at Giants Stadium left brown and yellow patches of worn grass and what appeared to be tire tracks on the field.
A chain-link fence enclosed the worn grass, and the cement patio was furnished with two aluminum lawn chairs, a rust-streaked barbecue grill, and a turtle-shaped sand box.
Moving toward the castle, the Duke's small force traversed a slope of worn grass, cut by ditches, that Kaparu said had been a fairground only a few days ago.