She tossed away the worn piece of sandpaper and sent him a skeptical sideways glance.
She returned with the worn piece of paper and anxiously watched the sheriff read it.
But upstairs, double doors led to my spacious room, furnished with worn but once elegant pieces.
It was a large, square, very worn piece of parchment with nothing written on it.
When his children found him weeping over his worn piece of paper, he reassured them that no one he knew had died.
The poker players were wavering; one of them was nervously examining the worn pieces of paper that served as cards.
As with a beloved but unraveling sweater, a worn piece of wicker is easier to replace than to reweave.
And when they realized how rare such surfaces were becoming, they viewed worn pieces of furniture as precious commodities.
It had symbolized all his hopes, that worn piece of doth.
They'd brought a thick, worn piece of leather along just in case of such a circumstance, but it was buried in her suitcase.