There was a very worried-looking little man waiting on the pier, pacing up and down and working himself into a nervous frenzy.
Ten minutes later, a worried-looking black man came in and showed Alan his ID.
The agent hurried off, and in a few moments he returned with a very worried-looking man.
Standing there was a worried-looking man in an official National Trust jacket.
There are only two other people in the room: a policeman and a thin, worried-looking man with bad dandruff.
The worried-looking man is sitting, eyes closed, on one of the room's half-dozen or so seats.
Opposite him, on a spindly wicker chair, a second small worried-looking man sat.
Before them stood a tall, thin, worried-looking man.
As she started toward them, a worried-looking gray-haired man fairly dashed across the open space and intercepted her.
When the watchman opened the elevator door on five, they saw a worried-looking man, plump and dark-mustached.