Carving a path through such men would entail some dangers, to be sure, but not enough to worry overmuch about.
No need to worry overmuch about that, though!
She was used to him now and didn't worry overmuch about his bark.
She won't have the time or inclination to worry overmuch about little Alice for long.
Besides, it was late in the game to worry overmuch about such niceties.
"I don't worry overmuch about it, but I think it's something that does bear looking into."
He was obviously not worrying overmuch about the gossip swirling around them.
Jaim was not a man who worried overmuch about matters outside his realm of control.
She wondered what that apparition had been falling from the ceiling, but did not worry overmuch about it.
And they also worry overmuch about their relationship with their dance teachers.