The fellowship began worshipping together in 1650.
On a recent Sunday I saw 74,000 adults worshipping together, with 40,000 children meeting in a separate building across the street.
Each one retains its separate corporate organization while worshiping together.
The entire family worshipped together and God's grace was available equally to all professed Christians.
There were no churches to attend, no groups of people interested in worshipping together.
He recalled the small wooden church as a place "in which white and black and all intermediate shades worshipped harmoniously together."
Every Wednesday, the school worships together in Mass.
All of us together worshiping the Source.
From dining together, worshiping together, working together, and learning together there is a great sense of this family community.
Her unique style allowed the reader to peek in at life during a simpler time when neighbors lived, worked, laughed, cried, and worshipped together.