In Carrefour, half of the buildings were destroyed in the worst-affected areas.
They say that the big snowfall combined with shortages of equipment have made it almost impossible for rescue teams to reach the worst-affected areas.
In Nagappattinam district, the worst-affected area on India's southern coast, 6,038 bodies have been recovered.
"The worst-affected areas have endured decades of marginalisation and economic under-development," said Equiza.
Some of the worst-affected areas in Tewkesbury are at a distance from the river: by contrast the historic streets escaped lightly.
Many road workers became involved to clear landslide debris from a 16 km stretch of road leading to the worst-affected area.
The worst-affected area is in deep right field where patches of dead sod have been replaced multiple times.
Wayne County was one of the worst-affected areas.
The worst-affected areas were the northwest and southeast tips of England.
Internal movement within the worst-affected areas should be looked at first.