This level of infection in the total population would be higher than that which exists in Uganda, considered to be the worst-hit country in Africa.
With 36 deaths, Indonesia is expected to eclipse Vietnam soon as the world's worst-hit country.
Sounding decidedly upbeat, international health officials declared today that the SARS epidemic was winding down all over the world, including here in China, the worst-hit country.
Its effect on economies is beginning to be felt; in the 10 worst-hit countries, AIDS retards per capita growth by an average of 0.6 percent per year.
Some of the worst-hit countries, like Indonesia, are not major markets for its products, the company says.
The avian influenza virus has killed more than 330 people around the world, with Indonesia the worst-hit country.
In the eight worst-hit southern African countries, prevalence is above 15 percent.
Somalia, where six regions have been declared to be famine zones, is the worst-hit country.
Although suffering less than the worst-hit countries, Bulgaria recorded its worst economic results since the 1997 meltdown.
The infection rate in surrounding KwaZulu-Natal is now 30 percent, higher even than in Zimbabwe or Botswana, Africa's worst-hit countries.