We're an exception, but the land here's worthless without our improvements.
I happen to know the inside of that story; how you bought up worthless lands, and then swung irrigation projects your own direction.
George attempts to win back Kay's affections while simultaneously trying to sell some worthless land to the greedy leading citizens of the town.
He had converted a large plot of worthless land into several valuable farms.
Most received no compensation, or were given worthless land.
All I want from you is lease rights to your worthless land on the dry side.
Maybe it was the sun, the harsh, unrelenting heat on the jagged desertlike, worthless land made them that way.
Thousands fell for the pitch, which actually involved worthless land, investing $5,000 to $10,000 each, for a total of $52 million.
As a result, the company was able to sell thousands of acres of dry, worthless land during their week long auction.
A series of eruptions, which continue today, basically buried it, leaving most owners with virtually worthless land they could hardly even find.