That is the worthwhile purpose in reviving the series, but not, unfortunately, the result.
Dialogue, narrative, or any point in between, we use whatever technique will give the anecdote a worthwhile purpose.
He sees television as "an entertainment medium" that can be turned to worthwhile purposes.
All of this was a nuisance but in one way it also served a worthwhile purpose for me.
On a trip he would often take several top executives with him, even if they had no worthwhile purpose in accompanying him.
Information brought to my attention, however, indicates that the monies were not given for worthwhile purposes.
"I feel that lists such as this don't serve any worthwhile purpose."
No further worthwhile purpose is served by keeping him in prison.
Snobs love costly brands, of course, but so do people with more worthwhile purposes.
Worse, without realizing it, he had been lacking a worthwhile purpose for eight years.