Our goal is to sell a million copies before the end of the year and to raise millions for three worthy charities.
Steven - 12 days ago Could have sold it and donated the money to a worthy charity.
The money is collected by Keggs the butler, and goes to a worthy local charity.
During this time, David found time to support many worthy charities that asked for his help.
The entire community will very much miss his cheerful smile, great enthusiasm, and energetic support of worthy charities.
How much money do most tour organisers donate to worthy charities?
Why can't worthy charities (with dreary stories) raise more money than they do?
He suggested that they both pledge their tax cut earnings to a worthy charity, "maybe even the Clinton Library."
Using the power of song, they help to raise awareness and funds for worthy charities.
All punitive damages should be distributed to worthy charities or used to pay down the national debt.