That Community Trust decided to forgo a search will probably cause some grumbling among would-be applicants.
For the would-be applicants, including both Deputy Speakers of the House, the options are sticky.
Many would-be applicants have expressed fears of harassment and discrimination.
These methods deterred many would-be applicants, who abandoned the process once their initial applications were denied.
But for many of the immigrants, and thousands more would-be applicants around the world, luck ran out well before the deadline, Tuesday night at midnight.
In some cases, it was clear that the would-be applicants would not have qualified if they had submitted 1996 forms.
She directed would-be applicants to forward their resumes along with a history of political activities or references to an associate at the foundation.
Many would-be applicants are therefore in a quandary about how to proceed, said Laura Bolotsky, the senior department's director of operations.
Sikhs in my constituency are totally opposed to the so-called immigration advisers who extract large amounts of money from would-be applicants.
So where do would-be applicants start?