The novelist looks back on his career and offers guidance for would-be authors.
He wanted to write, but his apartment was not the ideal lair for a would-be author.
Another proposed solution is requiring a fee from would-be authors to post their books on the Kindle store.
(One American would-be author wanted to know if she could have any leftover ideas he didn't need.)
The fault lies with the publishers that give reason for would-be authors to pursue their course.
He has been installed as writing development worker at Darlington Library and plans to inspire would-be authors to follow his example.
Before, the question that had to be asked by a would-be self-published author was, 'How will I distribute?'
The question for a would-be self-published author now is just, 'How will I market?'
Tom Clay, a would-be author in the Glasgow of the 1960's, is trying to outrun time.
He told the would-be author that he was not interested in the book, but wanted to return the manuscript personally.