Even in seats where Labour could put up mannequins with red rosettes and still win, these would-be champions managed to go backwards.
But that's not enough for a would-be champion, the would-be leader to bring the "new" Knicks a step up the escalator.
More than 100 would-be champions from all over the area, from Massachusetts to Delaware, will be on hand in this first event on the metropolitan circuit.
In his booklet, Mr. Bright prescribes an exacting program of care for would-be champions.
With four players left on the second day of the tournament, Amarillo Slim, the would-be champion, was very short-stacked with less than 2,000 chips.
Other would-be champions have cracked in similar circumstances, discovering that they lacked the desire or the ability or the single-minded focus to keep swinging away.
Many of her would-be champions had grown soft in the ceremonial combat of court, whereas this Swede fought hard, as though he had something to win.
The two would-be champions decide that Ali will train Superman in the finer points of boxing.
He did manage to score an injury-time free after the draw with would-be champions Tyrone in an early round though.
The money made from these would-be champions does not make up for their broken bones, paralysis or deaths.