It is therefore not onerous to insist that would-be immigrants wait their turn.
A test for would-be immigrants managed to get the voltage figure for this country wrong.
The Senate bill includes a point system for assessing would-be immigrants.
Others noted that only 2 percent of would-be immigrants were turned away at Ellis Island.
Immigration law makes it difficult for many would-be immigrants to get permission to work in the United States.
There were efforts to keep would-be immigrants out of the country.
Every summer, some would-be immigrants die in their attempt to reach Italy.
Under this system, the government would evaluate would-be immigrants by awarding points for job skills and other attributes.
In all, the French authorities returned more than 10,000 would-be immigrants in 1995, according to official figures.
This sends out another signal to would-be immigrants, which will, of course, have major consequences.