About 1,000 would-be owners are biding time on the six-month waiting list.
Besides examining credit reports on would-be owners, the board now charges buyers $1,000.
The Pace center says that since its start in 1986, it has been consulted by about 12,000 business owners and would-be owners.
Many car makers must rely on big discounts to woo buyers, but some models are so popular that would-be owners face long waiting periods.
But the would-be owners had to get licenses from the appropriate ministry.
Baseball executives and some would-be owners say the leading sites for the new teams are Tampa-St.
All of the manufacturers offer plans to make would-be owners into semipermanent squatters.
An odd parade of would-be owners come and go with dizzying frequency.
But the sticking point for many would-be owners of the eye-catching wheels is the price.
There was only one criteria for entry into the scheme: would-be owners had to be able to look after their personal care needs.