The main worry for a would-be patron of Weight/trimmers is finding the restaurant.
These impromptu restaurateurs wiggle and wriggle their way through the night along with clutches of would-be patrons who can't scrape together the $10 cover charge.
The crowd at the tavern that afternoon was scarce, due to the large number of would-be patrons down with the illness that was rampaging through the town.
Sculptors and poets would congregate each olympiad to display their works of art to would-be patrons.
On a recent evening at Vertigo, white stretch limos were disgorging would-be patrons making a statement in support of their fashion role model, Madonna.
For people who want to go it alone, Meet the Composer is happy to work as a broker to suggest composers and ensembles to would-be patrons.
Such an elitist label no doubt scares away a significant number of would-be patrons, leaving them deprived of some arresting cosmopolitan cooking at moderate prices.
Sacred Heart no longer is the locus of Vailsburg, and the rich would-be patrons are scattered throughout the state.
To gain admission, would-be patrons must phone at least 20 minutes ahead, have their references approved, then traverse a pitch-black hallway.
Pastis does its desperate would-be patrons the favor of accepting reservations at 6 o'clock.