Was he too well dressed for a would-be sailor?
Coming from a long line of seafarers, Mr Nelson has been running a pleasure cruise business for many years, taking would-be sailors out on fishing and boating trips.
A fleet of paddleboats would be available so would-be sailors could practice docking and navigating through a scaleddown rendition of shoals in the harbor.
Members are assured of water access and moorings, surmounting obstacles that keep many would-be sailors on dry land.
The would-be sailor shook his head rapidly.
Indeed, many of these would-be sailors expressed concerns about falling into the Hudson, nervously joking about keeping their mouths closed and taking their typhoid shots.
Videos today provide sailors and would-be sailors with a rich visual account of life at sea under real circumstances.
Several would-be sailors scoffed at the idea of a race until they actually set sail.
But sailors and would-be sailors can also charter sailboats, with or without crews.
For much of human history, the Arctic Ocean has been largely unnavigable: The polar ice cap posed enormous risks for any would-be sailors.