He went up to her door, thinking she would take him in, would at least let him sit and breathe if not bandage his wound.
Leofas, his wounds stitched and bandaged, joined him at the boulder.
To be sure, 'twas no mortal wound; Chouma bellowed like a bull, the knife was removed and the wound bandaged.
In silence, he cleaned and disinfected the wound, being amazingly gentle under the circumstances, then bandaged it very carefully.
Curja had just returned to his station, his wounds hastily bandaged.
The P.M. then stopped off at a small cottage hospital to have his wound bandaged and then went straight on to Charing Cross Station to get the Dover train.
One change, which is often referred to as "the Magic Johnson rule," requires that any player who is bleeding must leave the game and have the bleeding stopped and the wound bandaged before he can re-enter.
The wound had been firmly and skillfully bandaged by an expert hand, the imprint of the bandage being plainly visible in the hair on the temples.
The wound was cleaned, swabbed, then bandaged.
After soaking a swab in antiseptic, he carefully cleaned her wounds then applied the herbs and bandaged them.